What I did:

Ellis Wyatt website

Ellis Wyatt website

I programmed the website for Ellis Wyatt, a roofing company, using HTML and CSS. I worked with the owners of Ellis Wyatt Roofing to create their website. It helps them to market to potential clients and showcase their previous projects.

Speset website

I also used HTML and CSS to create the website for Speset, a company that provides resources to both traditionally-schooled and homeschooled kids. Since I created this website, the mailing list I integrated into it has gained over a hundred subscribers, with no additional marketing.

Learn more about the making of Speset!

How I did it:

Speset website

I learned web design with a combination of community college classes from CCAC and online resources. I started playing around with web design about six years ago, mainly just teaching myself things with online tutorials and trial and error. The turning-point, though, where I went from amateur web programming enthusiast to an entry-level professional, happened with one particular book: "HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Web Publishing" by Colburn, Kyrnin, and Lemay. It was the step-by-step tutorial that I never knew I needed, and it taught me the correct ways to do all sorts of things that I'd been using vague, hackneyed solutions for before.